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Spring Cleaning

The secret to clean ceiling fans

Ceiling fans, if left untouched, can be a haven for dirt particles. Clean them without sending dust everywhere with this tip!

What you’ll need:

  • ROYALE® Tiger Towel® paper towel

  • Pillowcase

  • Water


  1. Grab a pillowcase and slide it on to the fan’s blade.

  2. Clamp your hands down flat around the opening and pull it in the opposite direction along the blade, capturing all the dust inside. Repeat for all remaining blades.

  3. Go back over each blade with a damp Tiger Towel® paper towel to wipe away any lingering residue.


Did you know?

ROYALE® Tiger Towel® paper towel is compostable! Find out how you can use it in your garden.

Garden Tips

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We’re big fans of this energy saving tip

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