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Spring Cleaning

Breathe easy thanks to tiger clean air vents

When cloths and rags are too bulky to clean in tight spaces, you can count on Tiger Towel® to get the job done!

What you’ll need:

  • Handy Half Sheet(s) of ROYALE® Tiger Towel® paper towel

  • Water

  • Butter knife


  1. Remove excess dust from vents with a vacuum (if possible).

  2. Wrap damp ROYALE® Tiger Towel® over a butter knife and slide it in between the tiny slats of your air vents to clean away dust and dirt.

  3. Repeat for each slat in the vent.

Dust build-up is a nightmare for allergy sufferers, not to mention that it makes your home’s heating and cooling system work harder (because air is prevented from getting into rooms.) Using a cloth to clean those tiny vent slats often just cleans the outside of the vent, pushing the dirt and dust back into the vent. Using Tiger Towel® paper towel will ensure your vents are completely clean.


Did you know?

ROYALE® Tiger Towel® paper towel is compostable! Find out how you can use it in your garden.

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