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Pet Care

An Irresistible Toy for Cats

Kitties love to play with packaging and we love to watch them in action. That makes this DIY toy that reuses your empty ROYALE® rolls the PURRfect thing to keep you both entertained!

What you’ll need:

  • A cardboard roll from ROYALE® Velour®​ bathroom tissue

  • Scissors

  • Non-toxic glue

  • Cat treats


  1. Cut the cardboard roll into four equal strips (you’ll only need three).

  2. Interlace the pieces by placing one strip through the centre of the previous one. Make sure they are evenly spaced out, like a star, so that treats can be put inside and shaken out without much effort.

  3. Glue the pieces in place (at the cross-section, where all pieces meet).

  4. Let the glue dry completely before filling the toy with treats.

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