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A strong helper with a surprise soft side

Protect your breakable ornaments with this handy (and inexpensive) trick.

What you’ll need:

  • ROYALE® Tiger Towel® paper towel

  • Cardboard box or a plastic storage container

  • Ornaments


  1. First get a cardboard box—the ones with dividing slats for bottles are the best—or a plastic storage container (if your ornament will be stored anywhere water may get to.)

  2. Next, sort your ornaments by size and weight.

  3. Wrap each ornament with a layer of Tiger Towel® paper towel to create padding around the piece.

  4. You can also add an extra layer of cushioning between items by crumpling up Handy Half Sheets® of Tiger Towel® and tucking them into any gaps, so ornaments don’t roll around.

  5. If you’re using a box with dividing slats, stack the ornaments (heaviest on bottom, lightest on top) into each compartment.

  6. Label the boxes and store them in a safe, dry place.


Did you know?

ROYALE® Tiger Towel® paper towel is compostable! Find out how you can use it in your garden.

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