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Pet Care

A Quick Clean for Chew Toys

Treat-stuffed toys: great for training and playing, horrible for hanging onto slobbery bits of food. There’s an easy way to clean out a treat-stuffed toy with Tiger Towel® paper towel. Tiger Towel® paper towel stays strong when wet and is also able to get into small nooks and crannies where a household cloth simply cannot.

What you’ll need:

  • ROYALE® Tiger Towel® paper towel

  • A butter knife

  • Hot water

  • Dish soap

  • Dirty treat toy


  1. Dampen two separated Handy Half Sheets® of ROYALE® Tiger Towel® paper towel.

  2. Wrap one of the dampened pieces of Tiger Towel® around a butter knife.

  3. Use the end of the knife to reach up into the toy and swirl it around to get into the little crevices.

  4. Use the other damp piece of Tiger Towel® paper towel to give the outside of the toy a quick wipe down.

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